Your ticket include:
4.5 hours on the yacht
Open Bar – Unlimited beer, wine and premium/top shelf liquors/mix drinks for VIPS
Finger food: Roasted Turkey station with Cheese bread
Glass of sparkling upon boarding
Stunning 360° view of Shanghai’s Bund River View on the top deck (VVIP ticket only)
Featuring 3 levels of music
Ticket Sales limited – guaranteed no overcrowding
Party accessories and noise makers to ring in the New Year
Live Music by Singer Smokey
VIP red carpet for photoshooting
Lucky draw: a chance to win a brand new mobile phone.
西方美术史课程第18节(A)报名中第18节:二十世纪(A)上课形式:微信群图片+语音讲解入群方式:报名成功后,在报名信息中会弹出微信群添加即可以时间为纬线,以各个艺术流派的艺术家及其代表性的作品为经线,回到历史现场,从史前时期的一把燧石手斧开始,围绕地中海这一世界西方美术的血脉初源, 带你一路走过神秘的埃及、伟大的希腊、光荣的罗马……直到光辉的印象派,及光怪陆离的现当代艺术。或做正面解读,或挖背后的故事,数千年“美”的往事。借助“西方美术史这一扇通向世界的窗口,使我们眺望和浏览世界,不同文化的“美”的观念、材料、技法, 省思人类共同的“美”的向往与创造。